8 Reasons to get a Sous Vide Machine

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In a time of the budget conscious household, gadgets and new technologies are items that warrant serious consideration prior to purchase. Do I really need it? Can I afford? Will it last?

These are just a few questions you may ask yourself in the decision making process. I can assure you, now that sous vide machines have broken away from the commercial environment coupled with technology advancement and improved manufacturing techniques, sous vide machines are now within the majority of household budgets.

In making your decision to purchase a sous vide machine, consider the following 8 reasons:

Make No Mistake

The math has already been done for you. By simply entering the correct temperature and cooking time for the article being cooked and you will get it right without exception every time. You’re a chef!

Have You Got a Minute?

With conventional cooking methods, the answer to this question can quite often be no. Turning food, stirring sauces, adjusting heating temperatures etcetera is a thing of the past with sous vide cooking. The low cooking temperatures involved might mean your food takes a while longer to be cooked but in the meantime you can get on with other things.

Time Poor? I hear You

There are some days where there just isn’t time for anything. With the sous vide machine you can cook a dozen lamb chops or half a dozen chicken breasts along with a medley of fresh vegetables in advance. All the nutrient value of your food safely vacuum sealed away and throw them in the freezer for those days when your feet don’t touch the ground.

Look at this Mess

Is there anything more disheartening than enjoying a fantastic meal only to glance into the kitchen at the mess that awaits you. Not anymore. With sous vide cooking you couldn’t want for a cleaner cooking environment. Food cooked, vacuum sealed in clean fresh water. No greasy pots and pans, no splattering, no spillages. The only thing to clean is the plate that sits in front of you.

Your Hip Pocket

As discussed earlier a lot of decision made around purchasing comes down to the what fits in with the family budget. The good news here is that by cooking with your sous vide machine there is pretty minimal energy consumption that compares well to a stove or oven. The nett benefit to you is that you will have more disposable income to spend more delicious food.

Precious Cargo

Have you ever had your heart in your mouth noticing a little one wander just a little to close to the cooktop as something simmers away? The great news here is that your sous vide cooker need not be anywhere near the cooktop, where it can sit safely away from any bench edges. As a separate safety issue, no matter how high you set the temp, your water will never boil. Sous vide is a gentle, slow cooking method. This ensures the kitchen remains a safe environment for everyone in the home.

Excuse Me

As the chief cook and bottle washer in the house, how many times have you had to say “Excuse me” to dinner guests as you leave the conversation to check on “something” to ensure it doesn’t burn or simply over cook? Plenty, I’m sure. With sous vide cooking you can sit and relax with friends until the cooking is 100% complete. Then it’s simply a matter of plating up your restaurant quality meal.

Back to Budget

Even when vacuum sealed, sous vide cooking provides a humid environment for whatever item you may be cooking. This due to the natural moisture content contained in all food. With long, low temperature cooking times, it is like your meats are being delicately braised. This means that even the very cheap cuts of meat like flank steak will come out with a texture like eye fillet. This means you can still cook restaurant quality, succulent steaks on a budget price.

We have some suggestions on which is the best Sous Vide Machine for Home Use.

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